Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I suppose it's about time I post about some foodie adventures here in New York so here we go. And what better event to post about than my 27th birthday spectacular, methinks!

The weekend started out in a most excellent fashion with one of my besties, KL, coming down to visit from Buffalo on the Friday eve. We met in Grand Central after work and made a speedy move to happy hour at Fraunce's Tavern in the Financial District. This little gem requires a separate post that will be coming as it's one of my new haunts and has a sentimenal tie to Dublin.

Cycling in CP
No vodka, just wheat grass. This is 27.
Saturday I awoke a year older and with a belly ready to be filled with delicious FOOD! In preparation of the main event later on I went for a reflective run along the water in Battery Park. The remainder of the day saw mani-pedis in the West Village, wheat grass shots (wild!), a fantastic nosh at Grey Dog Cafe in Union Square and bike riding in Central Park.

Now on to the big show, DINNER! As a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain, I had been saving an excuse to dine at Les Halles and weeks prior had made reservations for the big day for myself and a close group of revelers. I went over the menu multiple times, deciding between different cuts of steaks and mouth-watering sauces. The final cut? Steak Tartare. I had never eaten steak tartare and figured there was no better time and certainly no better place. As the server wheeled out the cart for traditional tableside preparation, I nearly squealed with delight! After all the pomp and circumstance, the time of judgement arrived. It. Was. Amazing. One of the best taste experiences I have ever had! Plus I felt my iron levels instantly rise! Take that aging! As for the rest of the group, they enjoyed a mix of steaks, one order of poulet and saumon grille. We drank a delicious Beaujolais and took our time to savor the simple yet sumptuously rich French fare.
Tableside tartare prep!
The final product: c'est manifique!

After the requisite dessert (a la mode of course) with a candle and a digestif pour moi, we continued the eve with some beverages and dancing slightly uptown in the Greenwich village area. I had such a wonderful time from start to finish the weekend of my 27th and am so lucky to have had wonderful friends to celebrate with. Though I missed my friends upstate and across an ocean, I felt the love for sure from my NYC gang... and certainly in my sated belly!

Les Halles
15 John Street (off Broadway)
New York, NY 10038

Beautiful friends

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